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The purpose of the MLK Teacher In-Service program is to provide a very special training session for teachers and other professionals that tie in directly with the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Teachers and professionals attending this program will deal with strategies educators can use to close the achievement gap as well as strategies for facing a diverse student body.

All professionals are welcome and Knox County teachers will receive five credit hours of in-service training credit. Registration is required. Knox County Teachers may register on Teacher-U at www.knoxschools.org.

Interested teachers and professionals may register online by submiting the electronic form below, or you may print and complete the Registration Form that is attached below. Printed completed forms may be returned via postal mail at MLK, PO Box 155, Knoxville, TN 37901.

Please make plans early to participate since enrollment is limited. The location of the Training will be announced once Registration has closed.

$10 donation per participant is requested to help cover the cost of breakfast, lunch, and a MLK T-Shirt. Dontations can be paid on the day of the event or submitted as monetary donations via online to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission.

For additional information, or to identify any special needs, contact the Teacher In-Service Committee Chair at TeacherInService@MLKKnoxville.com.

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