Memorial Tribute Service
MLK Memorial Tribute Service
Monday, January 20th 12p-2p
Overcoming Believers Church
211 Harriet Tubman Street
Knoxville TN 37915
The Memorial Tribute Service closes out a week of MLK Activities and is a premier highlight event. Community awards are presented and the Celebration Choir sets the tone for the commemoration. Our featured keynote speaker will bring a dynamic and inspirational message that will encourage, uplift and challenge participants.
Join us as we celebrate, commemorate and remember the Dream and the Dreamer.
We look forward to seeing you.

2025 Keynote Speaker
Rev. Leah Burns
Lennon-Seney United Methodist Church
On January 1, 1957, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech entitled “Facing the Challenge of a New Age.” Speaking to over 7000 attendees, Dr. King described the era as one of the most momentous in human history, stating, “It is an exciting age, filled with hope. A new world order is being born… we stand between two worlds: the dying old and the emerging new.”
In a similar spirit, The Reverend Leah Burns, as the Associate Director of Multicultural Ministries in the Holston Conference since July 2023, aims to guide the church and community through the challenges of our own era. The mission of the Multicultural Ministries is to foster diverse and inclusive faith communities that reflect the cultural richness and traditions of all groups, promoting full and equal participation in the church’s life and mission.
Rev. Burns, who describes herself as a faith-rooted activist dedicated to justice and inclusion, draws inspiration from Revelation 7:9, where St. John the Apostle describes a multitude from every nation and language, symbolizing a kingdom where all are welcome, included, and loved. Rev. Burns’ efforts focus on increasing racial literacy, bringing together people from varied backgrounds through workshops, seminars, book studies, discussions, and Bible studies across East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia.
Raised in Shaker Heights, Ohio, and stemming from two generations of AME clergy, Rev. Burns regards pastoral ministry as her second career. Before her calling, she held executive roles in the corporate and nonprofit sectors, living in six states and several countries. She currently resides in the Knoxville area.
Activist, community organizer, and author DeRay Mckesson captures the essence of our collective potential in his book The Other Side of Freedom, writing, “In each generation there is a moment when young and old, inspired or disillusioned come together around a shared hope, imagine the world as it can be, and have the opportunity to bring that world into existence. Our moment is now!”
Despite the current chaotic state of the world, there is still room for hope. As Mckesson suggests, “Our moment really is now!” and through collective effort, we can achieve remarkable and beautiful changes.