2025 Vendor Registration

Please use this page to register as a vendor for our the Juneteenth Celebration event which follows the MLK JR Parade/March on Thursday, June 19th.

This year we are asking Vendors to donate $25 to reserve your space and help with the celebration costs. Please use the button below to donate what you can. Space is limited. Registration closes on June 15th.

What is the name of your business or organization?
Vendor Type *
Are you a food vendor, merchandise vendor, informational booth, or if other (please select information and describe in the description are below)?
Briefly describe the products, food, or services you plan to offer at the event.
What is the size of the booth space you require, and do you have any specific setup needs (electricity, water, etc.)?
(If applicable) Do you have a valid food handling permit? Please provide the permit number and expiration date.