Vendor & Event Information

Thank you for supporting this event!

Here you will find the latest event information and contact info for this years MLK Parade & Juneteenth Celebration.

Our final count shows 67 Organizations marching in the parade and 50 Vendors participating in the Celebration.

Check this page often for updates.


Parade Line Up:
Chilhowee Park Gate #13
301 N Beaman St, Knoxville, TN 37914

Juneteenth Celebration:
Dr. Walter Hardy Park
2020 Martin Luther King Jr Ave, Knoxville, TN 37915

Contact Numbers

  • Juneteenth Vendors, Sponsors, Production – Brian Brooks – (865) 816-9864

  • Parade / March Logistics – Mabrey Duff (

Bus Information

2 Bus Pick Up locations

  • The Bus stop across from Overcomer Believers Church on Harriet Tubman Street.
  • At the Tabernacle Baptist Church at Corner of Cruze St & MLK Jr Avenue.
  • The bus route begins at 8:00 AM.

  • Buses will continuously run, picking up participants from designated stops and dropping them off at Chilhowee Park entrance (Gate 13).
  • Buses will also take participants back to the park from their parked locations.

Parking Information

  • Vendor Parking: we are setting aside 50 spaces for Vendors across the street in the Tabernacle Church Parking lot.

  • Please do not park on the street near the park. This will impede the street performances and block spaces for the food trucks.
  • For pedestrian safety no Vehicles will be allowed into the Walter Hardy Park area after 10:30am. 

  • Only stage production will be allowed to park on the park grass. Please have all load in vehicles removed by 10:30am.
  • Please do not block the street Public Traffic will resume on MLK after the parade is over. 

Event Times

  • 8:00am – Early Celebration Load In for Parade participants.
  • 8:30am – Parade Line Up

  • 9:30am – Official Load-In Begin at Juneteenth Celebration.

  • 10:00am – Parade Step Off. Heading west on MLK Jr Ave towards Walter Hardy Park

  • 10:30am – Load-In End at Juneteenth Celebration. (All vehicles removed from inside the park.)
  • 10:45am – Sound Up at Celebration
  • 11:00am – Juneteenth Celebration Official Begin
  • 3:45pm – Sound Down at Celebration
  • 4:00pm – Juneteenth Celebration Official End
  • 4:00pm – Load Out Begin

Performance Order

  • Parade Street Performances at Celebration:

    • Waukegan Drill Team perform in street within parade
    • Drums Up Guns Down perform in street
    • Austin East Cheerleaders perform at the end of parade
    • Drumline perform in street within parade
    • Waukegan Drill Team again after end of the parade
  • Stage Performances Order at Juneteenth Celebration:

    • Coming Soon

Celebration Vendor Map

Last Updated 06/18/24 – Brian Brooks

Juneteenth Celebration & Parade End
Dr. Walter Hardy Park 2020 Martin Luther King Jr Ave
Parade Line Up
Chilhowee Park Parade Lineup Gate #13 301 N Beaman St, Knoxville, TN 37914
OBC Bus Pick Up
Overcoming Believers Church Bus Pick
MLK & Cruze Corner Bus Pickup
MLK & Cruze Corner Bus Pickup
Chilhowee Park Bus Pickup
Chilhowee Park Bus Pickup